Project Description: Health financing systems in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are highly fragmented with many funding sources (general tax revenue, donor support, health insurance contributions, and out-of-pocket payments) and limited pools of resources (Asante et al. 2016; McIntyre et al. 2008 ). The health services are also purchased through multiple purchasing ents including a mix of provider payment mechanisms/ methods (PPM). This study aims to understsand better the existing provider payment mechanisms (PPMs), provider perceptions... Health financing systems in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are highly fragmented with many funding sources (general tax revenue, donor support, health insurance contributions, and out-of-pocket payments) and limited pools of resources (Asante et al. 2016; McIntyre et al. 2008 ). The health services are also purchased through multiple purchasing ents including a mix of provider payment mechanisms/ methods (PPM). This study aims to understsand better the existing provider payment mechanisms (PPMs), provider perceptions and preferences with regards to these, and the associated effects of PPMs on service quality, coverage, and equity. In an effort to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC), Tanzania is committed to reducing fragmentation by strengthening and reforming the health financing sources and health care purchasing mechanisms. In particular, the ongoing reforms are planned to harmonize the multiple funding sources and multiple PPMs for UHC. The health financing strategy in Tanzania specifically includes plans to harmonize the financing sources (by moving to single national health insurance), and ensure strategic purchasing oof health services (by moving towards unified, efficient, and effective output-based provider payment methods and direct health facility financing). The later reform on designing an optimal provider payment mechanism needs some evidence-based information, which can be offered by this study.
Principal Investigator : Peter Binyaruka
Department Name :
Time frame: (2023-01-01) - (2025-12-31)